Cursed SVG Fixer

Sometimes SVGs exported from programs like Sketch don't play nice in other programs like Gimp. Often they look totally wrong/distored. Like I tried to export this one:

From sketch multiple times into Assembly (a nice little iOS app for vectors) and it looked like this:

Yikes. My coworker Tiff told me she imported them into Inkscape to fix them with a plugin that transforms paths. But my regular Macbook Pro was in the shop and my little bitty Air couldn't handle Inkscape. Googling around I found that the issue is the "transforms" that Sketch puts in the SVG. I found a gist that removes them. And a site called LeanSVG that implements it, but it also does a lot of other stuff to the SVG I didn't want and it doesn't save your preferences if you uncheck the 20+ other boxes. I thought about doing a PR but the application was a bit heavy to run on my Air or Glitch.

I wanted something really simply and lightweight. So my other coworker Lyzi had made a draft project for the Filereader API and I decided to see what I could do. I managed to git it so once an SVG is uploaded, it uses the flatten gist. But then I had the issue of easily downloading it. Chrome won't let you right click to download an SVG and I tried other ways to no avail. Soo...uh I made it into a blob and used filereader on the blob to make it Base64 so you can right click and DL. If you know a better way let me know.

Note it only works on svgs that have only the svg and its nested contents inside, so remove the xml tag if it has one


Right Click to DL here: